International Shipping Systems

Fort assures compliance with the requirements and restrictions set by the destination country, the customer, the shipping conditions, and the product storage requirements.
Mandatory checks are performed on every order we handle.
This minimizes delays in the documentation and import procedures, as well as prevents unnecessary costs for our partners.
The SOP’s are populated with the shipment consignment parties, the available routing options, booking routines, freight terms, freight charges, service charges, and any country level mandatory and customer-required documentation.
Product Level Requirements
Fort’s Product File systematically enforces compliance with the required conditions for storage and transport.
When it comes to shipping a product that requires a specific temperature for storage and transport, or, a mix of products with various temperature ranges, we check the compatibility for loading into containers.
Our system also verifies that the requested equipment intended for use to transport the shipment aligns with all preset known conditions.
This helps to reduce the risk of errors and enhances product stewardship in the delivery process.
Country Level Requirements
Country Level Requirements are programmed into our system.
We use each destination country’s written requirements along with our extensive knowledge and expertise gathered for over 75 years to populate this database.
System programs use this data to automatically validate shipment compliance with the regulatory and documentary requirements.
Customer Level Requirements
Customer Level Requirements are populated in our system profiles which are a set of Standard Operating Procedures for each customer.
Our SOP database ensures enforcement of agreed upon instructions.